martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

The song I chose for the translation of the lyrics work was the song "Star Lullaby" which in Spanish is Arrullo de Estrellas of a band called Zoe is a great band, and many of his songs I like that I chose that group and that song are my favorites.

The problems that I had to do the translation is that to write sentences that make sense in Spanish, in English says different things, they were translated well with words that should be translated correctly but not always what you want to say in Spanish is the same as in English.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

What I am writing is to tell what we did the day of the debate, already two weeks ago, what we speak in the debate was: if the men are better driving than women, my team won and especially because my team was great, while we were the negative part.
Today we check the results of the devate we made before the vacations, I had to check my team and its members with my own criteria, and honestly I put everything as well as it should be, was something simple and fast without complications or difficult to do.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

The 2014 Oscars were presented a few days ago... i liked, but it wasn't the best like the last year, bit the most interesting think for México was that Alfonso Cuarón a mexican director won an oscar.

The most interesting category for me this year was... the director category, recaude a mexican won an  oscar, but is ironic because at the begining no one in Mexico support Alfonso Curaron, but when he won an oscar everybody feels proud  of him.

The movie industry is important to me personally, because every person grow with the movies like star wars, rocky, or gotzilla every body grow with that movies, and are part of us.

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Support of science is very important... Children learn about different branches of science and to help them develop a bit of understanding how things work.

I visited some student scientists today... especially children in 4th, 5th and 6th graders who had the most brilliant experiments, like some kids that made fun foam bubbles with only plastic bottles, soap and a sock.

Science fairs are important projects for everyone involved with them... learn to work and understand science and even work together, or to get an idea of what science is and know if they are interested to work with science when they grow up.

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Fragment sentence

A sentence fragment is a part or something of the sentence. These ares dome examples of:

1. Subject missing

Since no human being can be perfect.

2. Verb missing

If he could realize.

3. Incomplete thought

Threw them both out.

4.A complete sentence

After we tell Luis his carvings are great.

A run-on sentence is...

Two or more sentences that run on together as one.

How can you identify a run-on sentence?

Two sentences separated by a comma

For example:
 1. Jules ran into the woods and, no one could find him for hours.
2. Chaim doesn’t like going to the dentist but, he knows it’s important.


martes, 14 de enero de 2014

This are examples of what we ese in the clases

Simple Predicate:

-We look on in silence as the soldiers draw closer to my family's house.
-At leas al, three of them had been healthy enough to walk.


-My family will stand frozen in our living room long after he soldiers hace left.
-At least all three of them had been  heathly enough to walk.